Falmouth Skeet Club
Cape Cod, Massachussetts
Club Rules to be observed by all skeet club members and their guests when on club premises.
"Safety First" is paramount for the operation of the FSC. It is not someone else's job but rather, a frame of mind that all participants at the club should have as a matter of attitude.
The following are based in largely on common sense and courtesy. Your acquaintance and observation of these rules and procedures is required.
Members and their guests must sign up for squad assignment before shooting.
Sign up for consecutive rounds may be permitted only if no others are waiting to shoot.
Range Normal hours: Sunday 9AM-1PM, Saturday 1PM-4PM, Wednesday 1PM-4PM
The Duty officer (or designate) in charge of the club on a particular day is the "Boss". Whatever he or she stipulates are the RULES of the club that day.
No shot size larger than 8 may be used anywhere on the club property.
Load and unload your gun only in a proper shooting station.
All gun safety rules do apply on ALL shooting fields and stations, and to and from.
Gun barrels over shoulder are not permitted.
Keep guns, loaded or unloaded, pointed in a safe direction (down field) at ALL times.
Extra practice shots are not permitted in a normal round of skeet, trap, or sporting clay's.
Practice can be arranged with the duty officer. i.e. Use of field not in use.
Actions must be open and doubles broken except in proper shooting stations.
Use of field #1 (combo skeet and trap) must be used alternately whenever there is a squad of three or more persons waiting to shoot.It is the responsibility of a trap squad to use the warning buzzer and light to stop shooting on field #2 before going out to the trap house.
Being considerate of the shooters on field #2 make your visit to the trap house short as possible.
Eye and ear protection MUST be worn at all times when shooting. (Foam plugs are available at the cashier’s window for at a nominal cost).
Eye and ear protection must be worn by everyone on the sporting clay's course, including: trap persons, scorers, shooters, and spectators.
Spectators on coarse are at their own risk.
Do not pick up empty hulls on ground, during or after, a round.
Hulls that hit the ground become the property of the club and may be purchased by members when available.
Faulty ammo that has not been fired should not be discarded on the ground, in the trash cans or in the dumpster.
Unfired ammo should be dismantled (cut open) before disposal.
Reloading of skeet houses should be done by members only.
Stand to left rear of the house and turn off machine.
Release arm, load the machine, and turn back on being sure to be behind the machine.
Spectators must remain behind the rope barrier at all times.
All shooters, including the tower, must be within the shooting boundaries, unless authorized by the duty officer.Pets - primarily dogs that make threatening gestures toward any members or guest will be barred.
The duty officer has the authority to enforce the removal of any dog from the club grounds.
The duty officer will report the incident to the board of directors who will determine the final action.
Ammo is available for purchase by members and guests only for shooting on premise.
Ammo purchased may not be used off club property.
All purchasers must have a valid F.I.D. card, or LTC.
Drinking --- ONE alcoholic drink and you CANNOT shoot.